New Jerusalem Catholic Community and Only One Service

New Jerusalem Catholic Community

This Hungarian-founded community is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Their sole purpose is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. The community’s fundamental experience is that meeting Jesus in faith changes people’s lives. That is what they have worked for in a number of mission-related formats: since spring 1997, they have held FIRE evangelical events all across the Carpathian Basin. Community members often hold weekend faith-awakening courses, day-retreats, and longer courses that provide an introduction to the faith. Their band, led by László Csiszér, is practically always on the road. They participated in organizing and holding the 2007 Budapest City Mission. The Community opened the “Only One” Social Aid Centre in January 2011, where they help 150 homeless persons every day. Their missionary activities have now gone beyond even Hungarians living outside the nation’s border and now extend to Croatia, Slovenia, and Ireland. They are happy to help young people both at the Spiritual Days camps and their own 80-strong youth communities. They even had their own missionary stage during the IEC. Péter Erdő, Cardinal, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, gave his final approval to the operations of the New Jerusalem Catholic Community in 2011.

Only One Service

A social aid center, day-center for the homeless, and charitable organization with a new approach. The service always focuses on the individual, all guests are given personal attention. As a Catholic missionary service, the sharing of faith and social work go hand-in-hand, affirming each other.

The Only One Social Aid Centre in District VI, the heart of Budapest, offers traditional social aid as well as spiritual aid to all homeless persons, the needy, and families, all with a new approach of a Gospel-based spiritualty pointing to eternal life. Their attention is directed towards “Only One”: the person asking for help in the moment. And they want to give the people in need “Only One” person, Jesus Christ.